Quarterly Calcs Web Page Synopsis

QUARTERLY CALCS Synopsis of New Web Site Pages Launched on September 1, 2019

Statement of Fact: Most accounting programs are run on dollars; ours is run on hours and risk classification wage rates.

HOME—outline of compliance mission & testimonials

ABOUT—our integrated programs include payroll solutions for employees, contractors, and prevailing wage reporting.

PROGRAMS—description, features, and program images 

50 STATE SYNOPSIS—what employers need to know that is required in each state

BENEFIT COMPARISONS—what Attestation Software benefit and features are compared to payroll and insurance companies, Professional Employer Organizations, Third Party Administrators, and HR consultants

RESOURCES—employee, contractor, and prevailing wage program support files and FAQs

READ MORE—questions asked for employers and in the marketplace for our compliance programs and resources

CONTACT INQUIRY—what we have to offer is a complete database and programs for qualified companies to purchase

FLOWCHART—completed flowchart for Version 3.0 to be programmed along with PTIC file and state formulas as shown on eBook for Pennsylvania

TESTIMONIAL WEB—history of Ted Carlson CFE, testimonials, and case studies

STATE EMPLOYER TAX REPORTS—exact listing of all workers compensation, unemployment insurance, Temporary Disability Insurances, and Benefit Funds required by state

ATTESTATION—a marketing roadmap for national distribution of Attestation Software compliance programs   

CAT-DOG EBOOK— A Guide for the 6 states that require hourly reporting to: Simplify, Capture, and Compile the Small-Business Reports to States and Workers’ Compensation Insurance Companies Using Work Hours and Rates of Pay for Calculations in Washington, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont

WHITE PAPER—how to avoid workers’ compensation audits; benefits of annual risk classification reviews, and IT compliance software solutions

PTIC UI & 941 REPORT SOURCE VERSION 3.0—partial Excel page showing this version is ready for programming. The Excel/Numbers files have complete worksheets compatible with the compliance programs for all 50 state formulas (see Book for Pennsylvania)

Enjoy this valuable resource! And contact me for more information at info@quarterlycalcs.com or tcarlsonCFE@gmail.com

Talking Points

Tired of doing workers compensation quarterly reports?

Hate workers compensation premium audits each year?

Don’t like accounting billing fees for extras  when doing quarterly reports?

Are you one of those six states that have to report hours for workers compensation premiums?

Use these benefit/talking point sentences for 1-4 above:

No more bookkeeping fees to create employer quarterly reports for insurance companies and state agencies

Automatic self-auditing to avoid all state and insurance company audit assessments.

By using our resources and programs, we return control back to you, the small independent businesses owner, and away from the bookkeepers and accountants using canned programs.

QuickBooks, Zero, Gusto, Maestrano, and others, have become too complicated for the average small business to use. Cost too much for advice & training.

All payroll programs use Excel add-on programs to calculate employer quarterly reports: workers’ compensation premiums, unemployment insurance, 941s, and 1099s separately. How accurate do you think they are?

The small independent business owner is responsible for paying assessments—not the bookkeeper, payroll company, or your accountant—which result in transcription errors, inaccurate reports, and audits.

Why don’t bookkeeping or payroll companies offer compliance reporting? Because they are concerned with GAAP/IRS rules and regulations—not compliance administration. That is left to the individual states.

If you want to do something about these, call me at 425.956.3677 or tcarlsonCFE@gmail.com


All quarterly taxes are not the same. If you are paying bookkeeping and accounting professional fees to file quarterly taxes, STOP!!

If you are one of the small companies that hate to file quarterly taxes, TALK TO US!! We have helped small businesses since 2009 all over America and Canada.

You need to make your life easier by using our proven free compliance programs.


Automatic self-auditing compliance programs using our proven programs:

  • EMPC—employee risk classifications calculations and gender counts
  • CONC—1099s for subcontractors
    PRJC—prevailing wage program for Certified Payrolls

All quarterly taxes calculated accurately for all 50 States:

  • Workers Compensation insurance premiums for each assigned risk classification
  • Unemployment Insurance for any State with Reciprocity deductions
  • Temporary Disability Insurance
  • Benefit fund calculations
  • 941s/940s
  • Body and gender counts per State reporting requirements
  • Independent contractor compliance reporting

No more predatory statute audits by insurance companies of States
Call us for more information or visit our blog at www.QuarterlyCalcs.com

Terrifying Audits!

An audit request by a state or insurance agency can be terrifying to small businesses. Such audits can very expensive since payroll companies charge for each report demanded by the auditor. Our compliance program makes this very simple, since all historical data is available with a few keystrokes.

Anytime a company is acquired or is raising an equity round, there is a need for due diligence. This can be so time-consuming and stressful. By having all of the payroll and compliance records available in one program, this can greatly reduce the cost of such due diligence.

Call us for more information or visit our blog at http://www.lbconsultants.llc/wordpress.com

Attn: Premium Auditors! Would you like to earn more money on your assignments? 

Just think about having your clients do your data entry each day for you?

Giving them our compliance programs, you can do mail-in audits remotely and make more money increasing your completed assignments faster using less time.

They are doing self-audits. You monitor them through out the year and spend less time on the statutory audit.

The reason I am writing is to offer our compliance software to save your company premium auditor time. There is no reason why the small companies you audit cannot use a compliance program that fills in data automatically throughout the year. It has triggers built in to eliminate typical errors like Federal 941 amounts not matching reported payrolls or unemployment insurance amounts. Your client companies can self-audit for you as a possible additional revenue stream.

In fact, employees and independent contractors will not get paid unless the right risk classifications are posted for both. Subcontractors cannot get paid unless they provide registrations before they work. In most states, time cards/sheets are required to record hours— even for subcontractors as well as any piece work in some states.

Because all line item entries are electronically recorded, there is less work having to look at payroll journals, patrol registers, payroll summaries, individual earnings records as they are a part of the gross payroll summaries.

More important, the employee and independent contractor hours, body counts, and dollars are automatically posted to all to W2’s, 941s, and Unemployment Insurance for quarterly tax reports accurately. No more payroll add-ons for your clients use.

After reviewing your technical bulletins and systems updates,  I found the following benefits for your firm:

  • Reducing re-audits
  • All risk classes are pre-assigned correctly
  • Min/Max wages are assigned correctly
  • System updates for clients are pre-loaded

I would appreciate your looking at our free SAS compliance programs to make your firm more efficient and profitable at Quarterly Calcs.com. Liberty Bay Consultants has all 50 states compliance sites posted for your review.

Looking forward to our conversation…..

Misclassification of employees as independent contractors. Is that your pain point?

Misclassification of independent contractors is one of the biggest employer issues in America.

Our program can greatly reduce this risk by providing an oversight on the assignment of classifications. The resulting savings could be as high as $300,000. In many cases, the penalties from these compliance authorities can be so high as to force the companies into bankruptcy.

By using our menu driven compliance programs, you an sleep at night knowing you are in conformance with your industry standards.

We can help by having you conduct your own self-audit when posting an employee or independent contractor. All of the state administrative and codes are built into  our compliance programs.

Find us at Quarterly Calcs.com and find how much in taxes you can save!

Workers compensation premium reporting is a tax calculated by insurance companies or states. Why would you need us?

States rely upon insurance company premium auditors to monitor workers’ compensation accuracy. Who checks them?

We can help by having you conduct your own self-audit when posting an employee or independent contractor. All of the state administrative and codes are built into  our compliance programs.

Find us at www.QuarterlyCalcs.com  and find how much in taxes you can save!

How many businesses hate QuackBooks?

It used to be fun and easy to use about ten years ago. Now, it comes with an annual check up from a Quickbooks Pro-Advisor to unscramble what you did during the last fiscal year. Fun huh?

By taking control of your payroll and quarterly tax reporting using our tax saving programs, you can sleep better knowing you are in compliance.  If you want us to do the calc’s, let us know.

Find us at Quarterly Calcs and find how much in taxes you can save!

Why Should Your Business Use CONC, an Independent Contractor compliance program?

Because it is SIMPLE, QUICK & ACCURATE!.

Every time you post a contractor for your Contractor Summary Report this insures they are independent and not employees.

 Who Should Use CONC?

▪Businesses who hire independent contractors.

▪Businesses who have 1 or more risk classifications.

This program encompasses all the current laws, rules, regulations, and penalties to track independent contractors to prevent audits that can jeopardize your business.

These reports can be sent to bookkeepers and accountants for payroll data entry and quarterly reporting, and transmitted via the internet from your very own website via a login and password secured program.

No more faxing, transcribed, or call-in errors. Compliance procedures are built into the program to decrease fraudulent payroll and independent contractor practices.

Sign up for a risk free guarantee to see how you can easily create payroll data entry and keep track of contractors for record keeping compliance.

More information on CONC, go to QuarterlyCalcs.com

CONC FAQ’s   –    CONC User Manual/Support   –    CONC Benefits

Ever read your risk classification job descriptions to save premium dollars?


By using our free compliance programs, companies can apply multiple work/risk classifications to every employee and thus avoid paying the highest premiums for every employee hour. For example: A berry farm in Port Angeles expanded their operations to cut hay. After the audit, it was fined $14,000 for the highest-ranking risk classification for not having the right classification assigned. All they had to do was apply for a new risk classification, which was the same rate as their “berry operation” class.

A small building contractor had a fabrication and storage yard. He had his employees work there to keep them busy during slow times. But since he did not know about this risk classification, he paid for a machine operator risk class at $11 pre hour vs. the yard class of $2.80 per hour. The criterion for this type of operation was that the storage yard worker had to work in the yard for 8 hours to qualify. By scheduling work ahead of time, the business owner could save the daily premiums amounting to $262 per month having the employee work one day each week, thus saving $3,148 per year.

There are specific risk classifications for 23 different industries in Washington State. Each classification has qualifying Administrative Codes with corresponding granular hourly exemptions available to any business if they knew they existed. Our compliance programs can provide these small businesses with instructions on how to best apply classification codes.